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last night dream
oh i forgot to mention about my dream in the last post! So i'm typing this post on the 26th of june but you guys will be reading this on a 27th Morning because i'll be going dreamworld in the morning and probably at night i'll post a dreamworld one aswell!
ok so, last night i had a cool dream it was cool. It all started at a press conference? i saw 2PM LOL and idk chansung was like all werid, he was like 'noo i dont want to do this kind of thing' whilst taecyeon was pushing chansung towards me LOL! (why couldn't that be junho or wooyoong) Then chansung shyly hand me 2PM 2nd Album 'Hands Up' but there was no signature....i was like i wanted 2pm's signatures :( so i walked over to all the members which they we're eating together in a karaoke o_o how the fuck did i come all the way from press conference to karaoke? anyways i went in the room with them and then junho was like reaching for food and shit and the album was on the table whilst junho was dipping tomato sauce on his nugget o_o the sauce dripped on the album when i was waiting for them to sign it for me? LOOOOL And 2PM was being cheap they we're just wiping the sauce off for me but not giving me a new one HAHAH. I think that's all that happened o.o I dont think i ended up getting a signature from them? LAAAAAAAAMEEEEEE it's actually not really the best dream i've had but i sure love my imagination, but i wish my dreams about choi seung hyun will come true. like i want to de ja vu my dream with choi seung hyun. *cross fingers
ok story ended. BYONG
LOL JK. IMA POST THIS NOW 26th June 12:38

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