fucken stupid people annoys the fuck out of me
seriously, you're fucken annoying. not in real life but fucken on msn and every social network there is or you have. man like grrrrrrrrrr, you talk like you're so old yes i know you're old but not so old. seriously you dont look like it. It really doesn't suit you, so talk properly. I hate people who just goes babe...ugh that's for white people cmon. You're not white, you have white friends but ohmygod it's annoying ok. I get its you but it just doesnt suit you. fken hell the only person that pisses me off with lol is you. Dont even start the lol cause i'll lol you back to. i'll true you too lol true. true you ass, you know nothing. don't true me and dont even try to comfort me. i seriously dont get it how you can be comforted when people go 'it's ok, lol true you can get over it' seriously isnt that cheesy? dont you find it disgusting it's just ew. ok ew. actually not cheesy but annoying, cause everything you're ranting about all that person will say lol true, you'll get over it or something like daht. I seriously have never been this pissed or even bothered to type that shit down. And if you ever piss me off more when i'm already fucken piss, don't you ever go off on me. And i do not think this message will get to that person i am referring too soo wth, i still like you as a friend just shutup about your language on msn.you make me annnoyeeeeeedd and to the noisy people who is guessing or thinks that they know who i'm talking about. just to answer yous, no. it's not the person you're thinking of. Labels: just stupid., lol, on a idiot, rant, stupid, that's, true ◄ Older posts Newer posts ► |