Bored to an extent

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26 June 2011
Good Morning! well, this winter has been beautiful don't you guys think? the weather has been great last few days! i don't know about the wind because i've been staying home doing NOTHING/ which makes me really bored and that concludes me to downloading! Downloading is bad i tell you BAD BECAUSE I GET INTROUBLE AND GETTING INTROUBLE IS NOT NICE. IT TERRIBLE. So i tried to reduce my downloading from yesterday and this morning..
Look at my history? that's from today and yesterday what i like to call "morning" downloads :|
But what defines Bored jennie = Downloading = Danger.
Noticed, i dont make videos when i'm bored anymore? :P And Seriously Last night like during the process of sleeping, turned off the lights = snucked into my bed = grabbed my tab. SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENED WHEN I WAS PLAYING WITH THE TAB. I went on tumblr and started reading an article about the mini concert that BIGBANG/(not necessarily BIGBANG cause Daesung wasnt there) had yesterday, It was soo sad :( the memebers seriously weren't themselves. I don't blame them, they've always been so happy during their performance but not yesterday performance with 1 memeber missing, G-dragon was so sad idk how to express it!@%$$!
Just Look at the Happy Jiyong (g-dragon)
Yesterday jiyong :(

It's Just so sad watching them like that i seriously JUST HOPE THEY'RE ALL OK! I really hope Daesung is ok. In conclusion after nearly 1 whole month of investigation on daesungs case, it was revealed that daesung killed the man. i hope every single of the memebers are ok and i hope the law will not put daesung in jail............................................................
If you guys who read this blog are not a kpopper. then you wouldn't have a clue what the hell i am talking about 'daesungs situation' I'd post the links about the situation but there's just to much during the process of investigating...

Most importantly
And Smile like you use to do

Ok besides the sad story, I Just woke up 2 hours ago! cause of the stupid noise outside in the morning. seriously no joke, every sunday morning is so annoying. Everyone is so loud even though i have 4 people living here and it's only 2 people that makes the most noise in this house. Grrrrrrrrr.

And Of course i have to say my birthday wishes to my beautiful friends today!
Mechelle Coolies & Michael Tran! Hope you guys have a lovely day and most of all have a sweet 16th birthday michael tran. He wont be reading this but who gives a fuck he's 16. He can drive now! YAY for him. And to the special mechelle, we will have a blast on monday which is tomorrow at dreamworld! Btw i recommend Q4U, if you ever go to dreamworld always get Q4U it's the best no joke.
And I also like Hot Summer - f(x)
Be Quick to watch the performance! cause it'll be deleted in 1 week... so 2nd of july the video would be delete or on private.
p.s krystal is so pretty and sulli and amber hehehehhehe

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