Bored to an extent

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29th June 2011
Getting excited, thinking about tomorrows event !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets organize my day out tomorrow' well, i'ma go Carindale with my mum and then i have like a shopping list to do:
shit wheres my list gone.........noooooooo..brb gotta look for it.k back!
well, my list is :
print photos (must do)
bullets chocolate..
hershey's! if there's any at carindale
lollies i like lollies
if i have time.. watch transformer by myself..sounds lonely but its fun...
buy some popcorn, i wanna like bus to chermside to just get popcorn there D:
needa buy CEREAL and milk.

after that wait for photos to be done and then bus it to mingy's house yippydoo!
for mingy's house, ima bring:
justin bieber 3D glass.
And food i think that's all? yeeeeeeeesss sounds super fun

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