29th June 2011 - Roly Poly MV part 1
YAAAAAAAAAAY! ROLY POLY MV PART 1 IS OUT. It's actually one of those story music videos, i think t-ara's the first in korea to release one? or am i wrong? Well, today i did nothing. what a holiday, worst bit is that i got a headache starring at the laptop all day on my bed aswell. So my position was seriously, uncomfortable. Oh oh and KFC, BEEN CRAVING FOR AGES. I LOVE MY DAD, jokes about time he picked up my calls. Think it's been like a month? sigh whateves he picked up this time! :D And i am highly anticipating You've fallen for me with yonghwa, minhyuk and park shin hye! ITS AIRED TODAY!!!!!! YAYY!!!!! Gonna download asap and then download the subs later tomorrow! or friday?\watch trailer: Labels: CN BLUE, Roly Poly Music Video Part 1, You've fallen for me ◄ Older posts Newer posts ► |