Bored to an extent

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30th - 1st June/July!
oh wola! what a day. ITS ALREADY 1 WEEK OF HOLIDAYS... NOOO
well, YESTERDAY AND THE OTHER DAY. the other day, i went to mingy's house YEAH? it was fucken fun,i re-arranged her photos around and singing/dancing to music like on like loud loud speaker...i swear her floor was going to drop because of me HAHAHA
I came super early so i did alot of stuff..but it went by really fast!
Yeah, like around 5-6 everyone started gathering..first it was only nhuthi, michelle,mingy and me. We watched some scary movie that weren't even scary..anyways we just started the movie and then BAMMMMM THE DOOR SLAMMED IN AND GUESS WHO IT WAS LAN AND MAI. Who scared the fuck out of us and the fact that they didn't know we were watching a scary movie...laters truc& angela came and we changed movies and watch the roommate? or just room mate. meh idk, but everyone was watching it. UNTIL IT WAS 7, then we gathered to watch Tangled 3D!!!! that was when nhung and thuy arrived,well the movie is always great so it was absolutely great. We all love the movie it was fabulous.. after the movie ended, we took photos. Which cannot be uploaded because i forgot to steal them off mingy :( and the worst bit is she cant sent it to me cause her internet is all fucked up!~

fuck this post is boring. I want photos :( Maybe i'll keep posting when i have photos - so stay tuned, cause i'll be editing this post. So you have to scroll down down down to see the post! :D

Anyways, so i cant get any photos off anyone well, never tried too cause i'm a lazy fuck.
mhm so i slept over mingys after tangled and we talked and we did some stuff and stayed all night because we're REBELLL. But when i was sleeping I DIDNT GET ANY BLANKET:@@@
and it's winter aswell.. in the morning had breaky..went over nhuthi's then decided to play monopoly but nhuthi didnt have it so we walked to nhungs house to grab monopoly and went to lan's house LOL.

Well we anyways, we were looking through Lan's photos and like re-arranging her photos around aswell. It was fun cause the photos were so old and we look so young but we didn't really change but it's still different in a way :D
Oh then suddenly we were looking at peoples hair and then looked at mine! we were like OHMYGOD let's go get a hair cut jennie. Lets get it short again! i was like yeah and we were all like yeah but then i didnt have money then nnhung was like yeah! i have money, so we were like yeah! lets go! went to nhungs hoouse grab money and then walk to hair salon and then we were like yeah yeah yeah! it was exciting LOLLLLLLLLL

Then it turned nice and apparently i look taller and more mature......kool. Then we went back and then yeah. then we went home and then yeah.

k i honestly cannot be fucked blogging. I just wanted to finish my update...and it's not making sense like always but you guys know me :D i don't make sense..i make alot of mistakes :D
I'm actually really tired of blogging...i don't have the courage to blog anymore :(
k this post is sooo boring i swear. like i dont even enjoy posting it..

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