*in a tone of a pedo - WHOOO WANTS TO SEE MY WALL OF PHOTOS?! LOL. i doooooooooooooooo. loljokes, im bored alright? and i studdenly started playing around with my camera, and i just found out i can adjust my image size to 16:3 or something LOL you know how in movies? how its like the long landscaping thing. yeh.well.yeh. some of the photos are still missing because i didnt take it the full shot. Anyways i'm nearly moving houses and i want to re-decorate my room! i actually want a Polaroid camera ! so i can hang my photos on a string like so: ![]() i'll probably ask my mother LOL which i doubt she'll get me it. It's only $106 on ebay? LOL pretty cheap? i think .. but then you'll have to buy the films which it only gives you 10 in one pack.. sighhhhhhhhhhhh and if i get the 10x10 which is 100 films it'll cost 80bucks LOL that's RIDICULOUS . I will never get one if i dont save up :$. but when i move houses , i'll probably just use my printed photos and hang them up! :D. And i really want a fucken baseball jacket! they're all over america and i want one :@@@@@@@@@@@@. this is like the best halloween i've ever had! it's fucken full of bullshit. I was meant to go to the coast today but noooooooooooooo. my mum was being the biggest bitch ever. i swear to god, it's so hard to argue with her without swearing.. it's better less to shutup and shoo her out of my room. oh! and i am hunting photos of either T.O.P or minho with HQ photos, so i can print them out in A3 or A2. But this will be hard because A2 needs big quality photos, and on the net , good photos are only 1000 mega pixels TT' i need at least 4000 mega pixels .. I SWEAR TO OH MY BUDDAH, that nothing on here i say would ever happen LOL JUST TO MAKE MY BLOG INTERESTING.. I don't even get what i want anymore, that's so sad. And i'm not allow out often anymore it's too sad. I use to be allow to go anywhere even sleepovers but 2010 change my mum she DOESN'T EVEN LET ME GO SLEEPOVERS and she became stingy. Anyways have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN .. guys .. and thanks for the 'dedication' michellebabes :D oh and i made another video afew days/weeks ago LOL: actually i made 2, that video ^ is really lame, that is why i named it lame LOL. oh! and for the second video, i cut out the part where it says "i looooove my boy" i cut it into the second video that i made, especially for jennyle without her knowing, i made her a video LOL. This could be a dedication video for her first job at macca's! heheheh LOL ◄ Older posts Newer posts ► |