Bored to an extent

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I'm back
HEY GUYS, long time long time. Guess what i've been up to these days? .. nothing. This is how boring life is? you know how lame life is? Yeahyeah.

Well, today maria my .. yeh friend awesome lame friend came over, to watch HARRYPOTTER WITH ME! it was not so fun but it was fun it was ok- fun but overall it was great. Since i had company LOL, and from our boredom we decided to hack people's account.

and now i have 2 more clones of myself! hehehehhe those people that me and maria hacked, was the 2 peeps that came to piss at my house and at the wrong time my step dad came home and heard them .. and they decided to dash out of my house when they finsih pee pee. Oh, and that 2 suckers were Andrew and Jimmy.

After that or before that shit, we took photos. who wants to see the sensational of the jenjen and maria . .

there was another 30 but 5 will be enough.

Ahhhhh and guess what? I wont be having net for 1 whole week this week, and its my birthday/next/this week. yay how fun! i wont be having my net for 1 week on my birthday week so i am sorry if you guys say happy birthday on facebook and i dont say thank you, i am mother fucken sorry. This message wont get through everyone but thank you anyway. Oh yeah the reason why i wont be having the net is because i am moving hooooooooouuuuuuuuuuseeeeee! yay me! yay me yay me! i'm only excited about moving but not my birthday? i dont want to be a year older? people think i'm bloody in grade 4/5 -.- ain't? I'd like to act my age but its ok I look absolutely young, hate the fact that some people tease me about something i just forgot 1 sec ago LOL.

Fuck i have so many things to say but .. I have 3 more weeks of school and I still have fucken assignments and test coming up. And my english is due tmrw and I need to get moving on it.. but noo i'm getting distracted by hamish and andy -.-

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