HAHAHAHAHA HI GUYS! guess what i found interesting today? MY TEACHER, lets just say on friday. We had mando together and she left her laptop open with her twitter page on ;) and then Lily Nigen apporached ms chen's laptop and typed down this :![]() ![]() LOL AND THEN JUST THEN SHE UPDATED HER I SAW HER NEW STATUS and she POSTED UP THAT PHOTO ABOVE ME SAYING THAT we trolled her twitter? LOL and mostly i am very thankful for her post that lead me to her twitter account LOL and i searched her up and clicked on her profile picture: ![]() TADANG! LOL HER POSING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH . I HOPE SHE DOESNT DELETE HER PHOTO. So that i wont lose the photo? or maybe JUST INCASE i'll "save her photo onto my llaptop" :| AND THEN ON SATURDAY: i had nothing to do.. well i was watching channel 10 " Dr. Sesuss Hears A Who" but i kept procastinating on my laptop i ended up taking photos of me self in me superman shirt LOL. And then somehow i turned out making a video of mysel and combining the photos/videos i took/made recently, like a few weeks ago and the final project was on facebook :) only my friends on facebook can view this soo yeh! if not friends on facebook its on youtube aswell! and have you guys seen timonthydelaghetto's new video? Hey Selena Gomez - a Love song? i loove this song its soo motherchucken catchy! :D i wanna download the song, but idk how to cut the end bit ): kkkkkzlatershomez. ◄ Older posts Newer posts ► |