Day 8: three turn ons
hahahahaha ok i'll finsih off today's post by three turn ons.- mostly the body and then the jaw lines and lets top this up with the eyes. Boys that have those features god, i will oh my god. LOL WAIT I'm not christian or catholic.. ------------ ok, so this is my proper post from today. . . i really have nothing to post LOL oh wait i do so, today like around 8 or something i was talking to minh and other people but he asked me if i had a wordpress and then he linked me to his and i asked him to post something about me, and what he post about me i find it hilarious. ----------- OHAI EVERYBODY let me fill you in on something here lidool minnie here NEVER gets sick, ya hear? ! but something else has come up, never thought it could happen but dang! IVE CAUGHT THE JENNIEFEVER! say what say what? not bieber fever (damn that kid is annoying :@ [GROW SOME BALLS BIEBER!] tas roight bru i say JENNIEFEVER, its like you have a severe case of fun or something i duno what it is, but its uncurable mang :L yeah guess what? she’s my family friend!! i know youre all thinking ; “DAMN MINNIE, how do you get to know a girl like that?” and im like, “dude the more time you spend wishing, the more time youre wasting!” so all you people who is missing out, get out there and meet this young lady it could be the best thing thats happened to you! COOLIO mynhh out! xoxo. ---------- the fact that he said mynhh out! it reminds me of freda, do you guys remmeber her? LOL i forgot how to spell her name but yeh. and i cbf linking her video so, if you guys dont get it stuff yous all. And then he puts xoxo it reminds me of gossipgirl LOL. He's such a fulll of laughter even though he hates justin bieber, im actually cool with that. And before when he didnt link me to his blog, he told me google "oi minh" and you know what i find funny? it came up with all these viet songs " minh oi" i can just imagine myself saying it LOL! You know i am very humorous today, i'm like seriously dry but i still find myself funny as usual. Oh and like before all of the minh thing happen, i went to get some kfc with thai and jimmy, because they were outside my park.. so i asked them to walk with me, and thai told me such an amazing story about his journey seeing ISRAEL FOLAU @ sunnybank and apparently he wasnt happy :( and when thai took a photo with him he had to force a smile?LOL thats just sad. After eating @ KFC, my step dad asked me if i wanted mcdonald's and so of course i want some food because i embrace food. LOL AND YOU KNOW HAPPEN WHEN HE BROUGHT MY FILET- o - FISH HOME? i bring it up stairs and bragged about it to afew people.. and then later i found out i've been eating my fries for about 40mins LOOOOOOOOL. After 30mins of fries i picked up my burger and it took me 15mins to finish it LOL. So overall i finsih my medium meal in 45mins LOOOOL. And sadly that was my dinner for tonight. ◄ Older posts Newer posts ► |