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Day 7: four turn offs/ four ‘types’ of people you dislike
omg its been more then Day 7 but i'll probably double post the days or something since my lovely jenny, "bookmark" my blog , it's very touching to hear that she clicks on it everyday and doesnt see me update ):

4 turn offs would be - i really find it very disturbing talking about dicks like ACUTALY DICKS NOT IMMATURE JOKING DICKS, like seriously it's really a turn off. It's not like i'm lesbian but seriously, it's very disturbing talking about like dicks dicks.
2nd turn off would be, guys thinking their hot but really they're not. And then they act all hot shit but really they are just a turn off.
my 3rd point would be .. JIMMY IS GONNA READ MY BLOG AND THAT IS A TURN OFF because he asked for my link.
and lucky last would be i really dont know.

four ‘types’ of people you dislike
i dislike .. i use to dislike alot of things but now i really don't have any. Back then alot of things disturbs me alot but now i just dont really give a fuck about it. So i wont be answering this question or what so ever.

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