Bored to an extent

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hi guys
HI GUYS LOOKIE I AM BACKIE! LOL, WELL USUALLY WHEN I BLOG IT MEANS I HAVE NOTHING TO DO BUT I ACTUALLY HAVE SHOWS TO WATCH BUT.. instead i'm listening to my music and taking photos while my shows are on pause :D

LOL since i was bored i took photos right? well, i tried to copy my lovable jenny le's picture on tumblr but then couldnt be fucked editing it like hers..
and iuno i think about afew weeks ago i took another set of pictures LOL .. yeh i suddenly got that bored.

photo from afew weeks ago..
photos from today..
jenny bby le's photos
and ugly wanna be tevin that looks like a chicken

WELL, has anyone been missing me? because if not i'm pretty sad and lonely :( LOLjks my life has been great..not even! AND GUESS WHAT? let me tell you guys i am a complete asian. I act like an asian LOL obviously , i eat korean/asian food at the city , i buy asian food when i go out. YAY IM ASIAN AND I LISTEN TO ASIAN MUSIC I WATCH ASIAN SHOWS. and thats how i failed english LOL

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